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ChilliDB Admin Essentials: Custom Fields - Adding Required User Permissions

Jason Wilson

Updated: Nov 18, 2024

This article walks users through the steps necessary to allocate permissions to access custom fields. If you are looking for a general overview of how to add fields to your ChilliDB system instead, please read our Custom Fields Quick Start article.

Acquiring the Correct System Permissions to Edit Custom Fields

Users with the appropriate permissions are able to add fields to certain modules in ChilliDB to ensure they are able to gather the data they require. If you find yourself in a position where a user/users at your organisation are unable to access the Custom Fields section of ChilliDB to add fields to the system, it is likely to be because their user role does not have the necessary permissions to do so. To grant permission to add custom fields, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the System main menu item and then choose 'Users' - 'Maintain Roles + Tickets'

  2. Click on the role you would like to assign the ticket to.

  3. Either search for 'Custom Fields', or scroll through the tickets until you find this ticket:


  4. Assign permissions for this ticket to the user role.

Users in this role will now be able to add fields to your system.

If you have any further questions regarding the process of setting user permissions to access/edit custom fields in ChilliDB, please don't hesitate to get in touch, either through our Help Desk or by contacting us at


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